Organic Sherpa Premium Green Tea 100 gram
Selling @
Rs. 200
Free Delivery All Over India
All hand picked and whole loose leaf green tea.
Smooth and fragrant with a delicate taste, pretty strong bean-like aroma, a good amount of earthiness without being too bitter.
Organic Sherpa Loose Green Leaf Tea can be brewed both hot tea or iced.
It can be several steeps for hot tea that with bean-like aroma and sweet
after taste in your mouth, this charming taste could make you relaxed and
give you boost in whatever occasions at work, at home or at the party.
Besides the smooth and delicious taste, Organic Sherpa Green Tea is also
with great health benefits. It can aid in passive fat burning and weight loss,
it is also known to lower blood pressure and help the body keep cholesterol
levels under control.
Contact Seller : +919457863634 |